Oral Presentation 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013

Genome-wide proteomics: What have we learnt from the C-HPP initiative? (#10)

W. Hancock 1 , G. Omenn 2 , M. Snyder 3 , R. Beavis 4 , Y-K. Paik 5
  1. Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States
  2. University of Michigan, United States
  3. Stanford University, United States
  4. University of British Columbia, Canada
  5. Yonsei University, Seoul

We report progress assembling the parts list for chromosome 17 and illustrate the various processes that we have developed to integrate available data from diverse genomic and proteomic knowledge bases.  As primary resources we have used GPMDB, neXtProt, PeptideAtlas, Human Protein Atlas (HPA), and GeneCards.  All sites share the common resource of Ensembl for the genome modeling information.  We have defined the chromosome 17 parts list with the following information: 1169 protein-coding genes, the numbers of proteins confidently identified by various experimental approaches as documented in GPMDB, neXtProt, PeptideAtlas, and HPA, examples of typical data sets obtained by RNASeq and proteomic studies of epithelial derived tumor cell lines (disease proteome) and a normal proteome (peripheral mononuclear cells), reported evidence of post-translational modifications, and examples of alternative splice variants (ASVs).  We have constructed a list of the 59 ‘missing’ proteins as well as 201 proteins that have inconclusive mass spectrometric (MS) identifications.   In this report we have defined a process to establish a baseline for the incorporation of new evidence on protein identification and characterization as well as related information from transcriptome analyses.  This initial list of ‘missing’ proteins that will guide the selection of appropriate samples for discovery studies as well as antibody reagents.   Also we have illustrated the significant diversity of protein variants (including post-translational modifications, PTMs) using regions on chromosome 17 that contain important oncogenes.  We emphasize the need for mandated deposition of proteomics data in public databases, the further development of improved PTM, ASV and single nucleotide variant (SNV) databases and the construction of websites that can integrate and regularly update such information.   In addition, we describe the distribution of both clustered and scattered sets of protein families on the chromosome.   Since chromosome 17 is rich in cancer associated genes we have focused the clustering of cancer associated genes in such genomic regions and have used the ERBB2 amplicon as an example of the value of a proteogenomic approach in which one integrates transcriptomic with proteomic information and captures evidence of co-expression through coordinated regulation.