Monday, 9th September
10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013
Sunday, 8th September
Monday, 9th September
Tuesday, 10th September
Wednesday, 11th September
Thursday, 12th September
Friday, 13th September
7:00AM - 8:30AM
Monday, 9th September
Complimentary breakfast for those staying at the Golden Sands Resort and booked through ASN.
Session 2 - Peptide Vaccines
8:30AM - 10:30AM
Monday, 9th September
Bunga Raya Ballroom
Chairs: Istvan Toth & Laszlo Otvos
Immune Therapies Targeted to HLA-Peptide Complexes
William Hildebrand
How anti-Alzheimer’s antibodies interact with the Abeta peptide
Michael W Parker
A Semisynthetic Platform for the Site-Specific Conjugation of Lipid Adjuvants to Recombinant Protein Vaccines
Peter M Moyle
Peptide-Polymer Conjugates as Therapeutic Vaccine against Cervical Cancer
Mariusz Skwarczynski
MUC1 Glycopeptide Vaccine
Yan Mei-Li
Morning Tea
10:30AM - 11:00AM
Monday, 9th September
Bunga Raya Terrace
Session 3 - Drug Delivery and Development
11:00AM - 1:00PM
Monday, 9th September
Bunga Raya Ballroom
Chairs: Alex N. Eberle & Justin Gooding
Poly-L-lysine Dendrimers as Vectors for Targeted Drug Delivery
Chris J.H Porter
Cell penetrating peptides for skin delivery: enhanced skin permeation and efficacy of diclofenac
Heather Benson
Xentry, a new class of cell-penetrating peptide for delivery of drugs
Geoffrey W Krissansen
Future of Peptides as Blood-Brain Barrier Shuttles
Meritxell Teixido
Bioportides: Bioactive Cell Penetrating Peptides
John Howl
Conference Photo
1:00PM - 1:10PM
Monday, 9th September
Lunch & CEM Workshop
1:10PM - 2:30PM
Monday, 9th September
Garden Cafe
Sponsored by:
Session 4 - New Medicine
2:30PM - 4:00PM
Monday, 9th September
Bunga Raya Ballroom
Chairs: William Hancock & Ian Smith
Molecular Obesity, potency and other addictions and challenges drug discovery, with a special focus on PPI and peptide related issues
Mike Hann
Activation of g-protein-coupled receptors (gpcrs) by peptide ligands
Mark Wheatley
New insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and function of caveolae
Robert G. Parton
Session 5 - Stem Cells
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Monday, 9th September
Bunga Raya Ballroom
Chair: Ian Smith
Stem Cells: Changing Cell Biology and Evolving New Medicine
Alan Trounson
Monday Night Poster Session (Happy Hour)
5:00PM - 7:00PM
Monday, 9th September
Cassia I, II & III
Sponsored by:
Intracellular delivery of Cathpesin D inhibitors by dipeptide mimetic oligomers: a target for cancer cell proliferation inhibition?
Muriel Amblard
Rational Design of Substrate-Based BCR-Abl Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Yen-Hua Huang
Membrane interactions of modified helical cell-penetrating peptides
Marco Jan Klein
Novel polymeric excipients for prolonged residence time
Flavia Laffleur
PepFect15, a novel endosomolytic cell-penetrating peptide for oligonucleotide delivery via scavenger receptors.
Staffan Lindberg
Cell-penetrating peptide-mediated delivery of telomerase inhibitors
Andrés Muñoz-Alarcón
D-PYC98, a novel substrate-selective peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK)
Kevin R Ngoei
Multifunctional silica nanoparticules obtained in one step withhybridtrialkoxysilyl-peptides
Gilles Subra
More Light, Greater Sensitivity - Revolutionary New LVF Monochromator
Technology in the CLARIOstar
Microplate Reader
James Balmer
A new strategy for on line sequencing of peptides bearing disulfide bridges
Edwin A De Pauw
Cyclotide Discovery by Peptidomics and Transcriptome-Mining
Roland Hellinger
Doping control analysis of bioactive peptides in horse urine and plasma by liquid chromatography – high resolution mass spectrometry
Wai Him Kwok
Multi-state Membrane Perturbation Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Peptides
Tzong-Hsien (John) Lee
ISD high-throughput platform for the sequencing of animal peptide toxins
Loic Quinton
Cyclization of the antimicrobial peptide gomesin with native chemical ligation: Influences on stability and bioactivity
Lai Yue Chan
Identification of Novel Anti-Viral Peptides Against Dengue Virus Serotype 2 By Using Peptide Phage Display Technique.
Miaw Fang Chew
Proteomic analysis of the venom from the giant ant
Dinoponera quadriceps
: A comparative study and characterization of the major components of the venom derived from 4 distant areas of Brazil
Camila CT Cologna
Novel antibacterial peptide against oral pathogens isolated from
Jatropha curcas
Better activity of shorter cathelicidin-derived peptide ll-31 against
Burkholderia pseudomallei
Hongsing Nuttaya
Additive inhibitory effect of combined peptides with ATPase inhibitor, membrane permeabilizing agent, or detergent against Burkholderia pseudomallei
Siritongsuk Pawinee
Fatty acid chain length determines antimicrobial activity of the lipopeptide C
Samutnavee Pitawat
Competitive lipid membrane environments to better mimic the
in vivo
Marc-Antoine Sani
Chemical interference with HLA-peptide binding explains the majority of immune mediated adverse drug reactions
Anthony Purcell
Evidence for the Antagonistic Form of CXCL10 in Ovarian Cancer
Andrew N Stephens
Immunosuppressive mechanism and properties of circular plant peptides
Kathrin Thell
A robust affinity chromatography for antibody purification based on IgG Fc-binding peptide
Weonu Choe
PK20, a novel enzymatically stable hybrid compound that induces antinociceptive responses by bearing a full agonist activity at both opioid and neurotensin receptors
Patrycja Kleczkowska
Effects of the hybridization of opioid and neurotensin pharmacophores on neurotoxicity in hippocampal organotypic cultures
Patrycja Kleczkowska
The “Hop-step-and-jump” of Scaling Up from Analytical to Process Scale HPLC
PeptiSil 10: The New Bulk Silica for Peptide Purification
Imre Sallay
APR-1 and ASP-2 protein-based subunit peptide based vaccine against hookworm parasite
Abdullah AH Ahmad Fuaad
Peptide-based antibody delivery into live cell
Il Hak Bae
Lipopeptide containing B-cell and T-helper epitope as intranasal vaccine candidates against Group A Streptococcus (GAS)
Saranya Chandrudu
Thioether-conjugated glycopeptide lipopeptide antitumor vaccines
Zhan-Yi Sun
Synthesis and characterization of HIV1-Tat and bovine antimicrobial peptide indolicidin conjugated to levofloxacin
Khairunnisa Abdul Ghaffar
N-terminal Racemisation: A New Peptide Modification
Brian Lyons
Evaluation of the YB-1 protein as a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer by immunohistochemistry
Olivia Scully
General mechanism of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization in-source decay mass spectrometry: Toward a novel method for
De Novo
sequencing of peptides and proteins
Daiki Asakawa
Large Scale Targeted Protein Quantification Using HR/AM Selected Ion Monitoring with MS/MS Confirmation on a Novel Hybrid, Q-OT-qIT Mass Spectrometer
Lin Tang Goh
Analysis of protein changes during oil palm fruit ripening by 2-DGE and MALDI-ToF
Hasliza Hassan
Elucidating the envenomation strategy of cone snails through integrated Venomics
Prashanth Jutty Rajan
Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins During Early Oil Palm (
Elaeis guineensis
Jacq.) Fruit Development
Sau Yee Kok
Methodical Guide for Stationary Phase Selection for Peptide Purification
Oil palm root proteome during
Ganoderma boninense
Syahanim Shahwan
Time and space monitoring of surfactin secretion by
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
colonizing plant roots, revealed by MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Delphine Debois
Radiosynthesis and preliminary PET study of an
C-labelled RGD peptide containing [1-
C]1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-β-carboline-3-carboxylic acid
Masayuki Hanyu
Dicarba α–conotoxin Vc1.1 analogues with differential selectivity for nicotinic acetylcholine and GABA
Alessia Belgi
Peptidomimetic inhibitors of the West Nile virus NS2B-NS3 protease
Brian Chia
2-Oxoamides based on dipeptides and pseudodipeptides as inhibitors of Ca
-independent phospholipase A
Violetta Constantinou-Kokotou
Approach of peptide as a drug in medical science
Sharmistha Dey
Diffusion-limited kinetics and membrane domain heterogeneity facilitate sustained excitation of sympathetic neurons by angiotensin ii: single photon imaging and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Ian Gibbins
The effect of Antioxidant Peptides UPF1 and UPF17 on the Intracellular Localization of Transcription Factor NRF2 and on the activation of Antioxidative Response Element
Mats Hansen
A novel tripetide that suppresses PGE2 formation in rat mesangial cells
George Kokotos
Peptides Derived from the Transmembrane Domain of Bcl-2 Proteins as Potential Mitochondrial Priming Tools
Tzong-Hsien (John) Lee
Selectivity in LIM-binding peptides
Jacqui Matthews
Role of amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain (AICD) peptide in transcriptional regulation of peptide clearance proteins
Natalia N Nalivaeva
Identification of virtual bicyclic, membrane permeable cyclic peptide inhibitors of peptidyl arginine deiminase 4.
Toby Passioura
Bifunctional vs. Bivalent Opioid Receptor Ligands: Facts and Fiction
Peter W. Schiller
Discovery of the myostatin inhibitory peptide from myostatin prodomain
Kentaro Takayama
An approach for formulation of self-assembled amphiphilic peptide containing- somatostatin sequence
Yuko Tsuda
Next generation microwave SPPS – 4 minute cycle times, scalable, and 90% waste reduction
Grace Vanier
The evaluation of glycoproteomic workflow for mass spectrometric differential analysis of erythropoietin
Mohd Nazri Ismail
Monday Night Dinner
7:00PM - 10:30PM
Monday, 9th September
Beach Front, Golden Sands Resort
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Tuesday →