What works in analytical HPLC is not necessarily feasible on larger scale separation. A whole new set of considerations are necessary to perform the “hop-step-and-jump” to bridge the gap between the two HPLC techniques. The presentation aims to give practical guide, ample examples for crucial differences.
While on analytical scale almost all octadecyl bonded silica based stationary phases are practically the same, the small dissimilarities add up and make decisive difference in the economics of a real purification process. Comprehensive explanation on how bonding style and density affects the retention time resulting in different stationary phase characteristics. Mechanical strength of the silica is coming into focus in larger processes. The chromatographer faces new challenge: The necessity of self- packing the big columns on site. Large scale process HPLC users demand guidelines for CIP (Cleaning In Place) or regeneration. Regulatory issues come to play. The presentation highlights the new challenges and provides guide to successful scale up to process scale HPLC purification.