Poster Presentation 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013

PeptiSil 10: The New Bulk Silica for Peptide Purification (#129)

Imre Sallay 1
  1. DAISO CO., LTD., Osaka, Japan

Large scale peptide production is the second biggest market for HPLC grade bulk spherical silica based stationary phases. (The biggest application is insulin manufacturing.)
Reversed phase HPLC purification of peptides is a widely used technique in the purification process.
Peptides with less than 6000 dalton mol. weight are purified best on 100 – 120 Angstrom pore size silica, the usual choice is 10 micron particle size with ODS (C18) modification.
PeptiSil 10 is a 100A 10 micron C18 modified phase featuring extremely high alkaline resistance (it makes stronger cleaning or re-generation steps) and super mechanical strength. These two features combined promise longer life time of the silica.
High loadability makes this phase a good choice for better process economy.
The creation of this new phase from concept to experimentals is detailed demonstrating an example of the holistic design approach.