Oral Presentation 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013

Downsizing proteins into short water-stable alpha helices that maintain biological properties (#44)

Timothy A Hill 1 , David P Fairlie , Huy N Hoang
  1. Institute for Molecular Bioscience University of Qld, St Lucia, Qld, Australia
Recombinant proteins are important therapeutics due to potent, highly specific, and nontoxic actions in vivo. However, they are expensive medicines to manufacture, chemically unstable, and difficult to administer with low patient uptake and compliance. Small molecule drugs are cheaper and more bioavailable, but less target-specific in vivo and often have associated side effects. Here we combine some advantages of proteins and small molecules by taking short amino acid sequences that confer potency and selectivity to proteins, and fixing them as small constrained molecules that are chemically and structurally stable and easy to make. We show that short peptides, corresponding to helical epitopes from viral, bacterial, or human proteins, can be strategically fixed in highly a-helical structures in water. These helix-constrained compounds have similar biological potencies as proteins that bear the same helical sequences. Examples are (i) a picomolar inhibitor of Respiratory Syncytial Virus F protein mediated fusion with host cells, (ii) a nanomolar inhibitor of RNA binding to the transporter protein HIV-Rev, (iii) a submicromolar inhibitor of Streptococcus pneumoniae growth induced by quorum sensing pheromone Competence Stimulating Peptide, and (iv) a picomolar agonist of the GPCR pain receptor opioid receptor like receptor ORL-1. (vi) Agonists of AP-1 transciptional regulator This approach can be generally applicable to downsizing helical1  regions of proteins with broad applications to biology and medicine
  1. Harrison, R. S.; Shepherd, N. E.; Hoang, H. N.; Ruiz-Gómez, G.; Hill, T. A.; Driver, R. W.; Desai, V. S.; Young, P. R.; Abbenante, G.; Fairlie, D. P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2010, 107, 11686-11691.