Norelle L Daly 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013

Norelle L Daly

Norelle Daly is a Professor at the Centre for Biodiscovery and Molecular Development of Therapeutics at James Cook University. She completed her PhD at The University of Queensland on ‘Structural Studies of the Ligand-Binding Repeats of the LDL receptor'. Following these studies she was involved in establishing a new field of research involving plant derived cyclic peptides. This work resulted in several granted patents and the establishment of a small biotechnology company associated with The University of Queensland. She was a recipient of a Research Excellence Award from The University of Queensland and has previously held an NHMRC Industry Fellowship and a Queensland Smart State Fellowship. In March 2012 she took up her ARC Future Fellowship at the Queensland Tropical Health Alliance. Her research interests include exploring the potential of natural products as novel drug leads for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases.

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