Anne Conibear 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013

Anne Conibear

Anne Conibear completed her B.Sc.(Hons) and M.Sc. in Chemistry (2010) at Rhodes University, South Africa. She then moved to the University of Queensland, Australia for her PhD (2014) with Prof. David Craik, focusing on cyclic disulfide-rich peptides from mammals, the theta-defensins. In 2014, she was awarded an Interdisciplinary Cancer Research postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Vienna and worked with Prof. Christian Becker and Syntab Therapeutics GmbH on targeted immune-stimulating molecules for cancer therapy. She returned to the University of Queensland in 2019 with a UQ Development Fellowship to work on the synthesis and structure of posttranslationally modified proteins. In 2022, she took up a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Peptide and Protein Chemistry at TU Wien, Austria. Her current research focuses on how posttranslational modifications regulate protein structure and biological function.

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