Florine Cavelier 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013

Florine Cavelier

Florine Cavelier received her PhD degree in organic chemistry from Montpellier University (France) in 1989. She spent two years as a Royal Society Fellow at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory under the supervision of Professor Jack Baldwin in Oxford. In 1991, she obtained an academic position at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). She is currently Research Director at the Institute of Biomolecules Max Mousseron (IBMM) in Montpellier, where she is in charge of a team dealing with stereoselective synthesis of unnatural aminoacids. Her current research focuses on silylated amino acids and biologically active peptides. Florine Cavelier served as office member of the “Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines” since 2007 and as president of this group since 2011. She has been elected in 2012 to be the French representative for the council of the European Peptide Society.

Abstracts this author is presenting: