Onn Hashim 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013

Onn Hashim

Onn Hashim received his PhD in immunochemistry from the University of Glasgow in December 1987. He joined the University of Malaya in January 1988 and is currently a Professor at the Department of Molecular Medicine since February 2003. During his career, Onn had spent short sabbaticals at the University of Alabama at Birmingham USA and the University of Osaka Medical School Japan under sponsorships of the American Fulbright and JSPS programmes, respectively. He is recipient of the National Academic Award 2007 (Journal Article Publication Category) Malaysia. Onn had performed extensive studies on champedak seed lectins and their applications. His current research interests are in proteomics, particularly in the use of gel-based and lectin approaches in search for novel complementary biomarkers in serum, urine and saliva samples from patients with cancer. He is former Editor-in-Chief of the Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and currently an editorial board member of Biomarker Research. At present, he is Head of the Department of Molecular Medicine as well as the University of Malaya Centre for Proteomics Research.

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