Tiffany R Walsh
After graduating with a B.Sci(Hons) from the University of Melbourne, Tiff Walsh earned her PhD degree in theoretical chemistry from the University of Cambridge, U.K., working in the group of Prof. David Wales in the Dept. of Chemistry as a Cambridge Commonwealth Trust scholar. She then joined the Dept. of Materials, University of Oxford, U.K. as a postdoctoral researcher in the Materials Modelling Laboratory (MML) with Prof. Adrian Sutton. She was then awarded a Glasstone fellowship, which she held in the MML in Oxford. In 2002, she joined the faculty of the University of Warwick, U.K., as a joint appointment in the Dept. of Chemistry and the Centre for Scientific Computing. Her research interests focus on computational modelling of biomolecular systems, using molecular dynamics simulations. She has an H-index of 20 from over 55 peer-reviewed publications. She was a lead investigator in the team that won £5.3 M ($US 8.2 M) of funding for a 5-year EPSRC Programme Grant in this area (started in Oct 2010), and also currently holds funding from AFOSR in this field of research. In 2012 joined the Institute for Frontier Materials at Deakin University in Australia, where she holds the position of Associate Prof. in Bio/Nanotechnology.
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